Monday, October 13, 2008

Land for Sale in Caledon Cay

I am sad to announce this, and will have to follow up with more details later, but I am selling my home in Caledon Cay....4096, corner lot, a stream runs along half its border separating it from the land a opens to water on either side, lovely view of Carntaigh.

Looking at 10 L per square meter...a bit more than I paid, but I lost a bit on Octopus Gardens :). If that is too high, would consider lower. I must take a break from second life.

I'll explain that latter part soon, but not till TS sells. It's very, very sad for me. My Ward is well settled in Babbage, and my sister has long since moved out. No need to keep it if I am not even going to be in world much.

IM me if interested, or email at

Sir Tele

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