Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No Weapons in the Smithie?

Aye, tis true! The weapons vendor is gone, though the coals still burn hot.

Being a rather low tech (when I want to be) and trusting soul I did not have my land parameters set correctly; someone, I am sure a non-Caledonian wandering type, rezzed enough...something...on my land at Octopus Gardens to send everything I did not own back to its lawful owners. I did not know this could happen. Hence, the weapons vendor was kicked back to Navar Harbinger, along with one or two very nice personal gifts on display in my home!

I believe I have everything fixed now (with the help of a very kind estate manager), but as I may be moving my official residence a bit farther north in the Cay, I am waiting until that time to consider what to do with the smithie. I would like to use those weapons for piratey role play, but it is also true they can be purchased a short tp away without my hosting the vendor. And I never asked for any money nor made any commission.

The only sad thing with abandoning the smithie is that Miss Discovolante made me a wonderful build!

If and when I move, I will reconsider. Know, though, that everything I had in the smithe is available from Harbinger and Stormie designs, and they have a very large and very easy to find store.

Love to all. See you in world!

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