Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rest in Peace, Edward Mayo...and Odysseus and Tele in Ithaca

Up late, unable to sleep while out of town, I went back in world, first time in a very long time, since the night I was at the Baron's, and chatted with a few old friends. It turns out one of my old comrades in arms has passed rl. Months ago.  A shock, that.

Edward was a good guy, never a moment of crazy shit. And in all that Gorean rp, there was plenty of craziness, a few friends who proved to be other than I imagined (then again, we're all avatars role playing) but Ed. from my Zamora days mostly, was one of the good ones. Others treated me fair at all times over the years, like Jake and Bohica (even if we disagreed, which was rare, they both were very professional), but Ed was just plain cool. My heart goes out to whomever he left behind, and may he have found a life more real than what we call RL now.

That's it. It took me a half hour to remember how to log into this blog. My rl is busier than it has EVER been, exciting and positive for the most part, but very consuming.

On another note: I have parked my avi in my SL father's sim, the one I have never met. It says something, to come into SL more than six years ago and name my avi Telemachus, one who seeks the father. I saw myself as beginning a long adventure, one that would have many facets, and I hence thought of myself as "young" with much ahead. I surely had adventures: more diverse and vivid than I could have dreamed, and made a number of solid friends, a very few of those have bled into my rl virtual world, via "social media," and I think that is wonderful.

But I spent most of my time in sl working hard, trying to help. That may sound ridiculous, but it is true. I treated guard duty on the gate at Fina or Sais like a real job, hah. And so when I left the BTB Gor and came to Ghost (pluses and minuses with such a change) I was happy to accept a friend's offer of motherhood...a chance to sort of be a kid (though full grown); and Odo, my SL father...based on the IM interactions I have had with him and on what many have said, is an amazing man. I am hanging around in the tavern at his sim hoping to catch him; it is one step closer. I think I must have been born, oh, two years ago? But I have never met him face to face or rp'd. It will be fun, I am sure. It is too bad I like the time/skill to be active there. Still, he and I will meet. I have simply not been in world and so it has never happened. When we do end up in world at the same time, he will be busy as hell I know.

And who knows...maybe he will mentor me in a new way and I'll start the pew pew (shoot em up) of the old days...I don't know. Maybe he'll grant me asylum and I can just lay around and drink in the tavern. In the GE sims, I doubt it thought. You fight or nothing. Again, hard to do without a gaming machine...even the right mouse and keyboard, as I think my laptop might run the codes fast enough...not sure anymore. I made a friend there named Ret who gave me updated skin, clothes, etc., and it took two hours just to get dressed...all the mesh, clicking "Add," whatever, it was freaking hilarious. I think I drew a crowd as I played uber noob. I STILL don't look like an updated version of old Tele. Ret gave me nice stuff, and I am grateful, but I look like Clark Kent in a freaking quilted coat. I need to find someone I can pay to ReTele me. It would be worth a lot. Probably my SL sister, when I think of it...though I don't know if she has the time. And I owe her 150 L for eyes, I remember. But I need new skin, hair, clothes, shape....but still look like somewhat the same person.

Well, it is past my bedtime. When I heard about Ed, I had to say something. And I hope to meet my SL father sometime in the next few weeks/months. As always, my love to all the rest. Even though they don't read this blog...hah.


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